Thinking each day that passes by, every changes that I will make. Every steps that I will take, am I doing this right? I was always fascinated by life as it is very interesting but this is what I really think. Whenever you come across to a problem, remember that if God brings you to it, He will help you to go through it. And when you have taken all you can take, when you have cried all you can cry, when you have begged and pleaded all you can and they still can't see or refuse to see your point of view, when you have tried over and over and over again to convince them of your love and loyalty and they still don't get it what do you do? THIS IS WHAT YOU DO. You stop crying and dry your tears. You stop trying to convince them of your love and loyalty and you start putting that love on yourself. You grab your self esteem by its collar and you say to yourself, "I'm going to be okay. I'm not chasing after anyone that does not feel the same about me. I was lost but now I am found." Then you release them for all the goodness that awaits you. And always trust your instincts because most times they will never lead you wrong. So what if they see you cry? That does not mean you are not strong. Don't be afraid to take a stand for what you believe in as you may be someone's only voice. Take a chance once in a while because you never know to what good things chance may lead you to. Don't be afraid to be an original in this world full of copies as originals are always more valuable than copies. And lastly, make your statement, leave your mark, always leave them wanting more of the goodness and the uniqueness that is undeniably YOU. And there's nothing wrong missing them, I miss them all. But whether you pushed me or pulled me, drained me or fueled me, loved me or left me, hurt me or helped me, you guys were a part of my growth. And THANK YOU.