
anotha day of my life of my typical busy routine. I have been working today, with a lack of good sleep last night for unreasonable and unthinkable reasons. my day was alright ayee despite the fact that I was real exhausted. pernah tak korang cuba baring atas lantai or anything tengok langit and tengok awan. and tengok je awan main lalu lintas pulak kat atas, soft, smooth, subhanallah cantik. I was smiling all the way seeing the blue skies. betapa hebatnya ciptaan Allah kan. been working dari pulak dari pagi sampai malam, it was alright. till at 5, my beloved teacher mr. faliq came and gave me a gift for my willingness to help him the whole year, awww :') terima kasih cikgu. you're the best high school teacher yang saya pernah kenal, swear! ohmygod, ohmygod. last night was sweet. :) I miss those moments, the voice, the accent. hmm talking about ayam tungau, wth serious whatta H is it? =.= I still havent figured it yet, even I did google it just now. but apparently, keluar gambar kucing la, arnab laa. muka semua sakit sakit =.= haha. Ya Allah, permudahkan perjalanan hidup ku, aku tak nak sakitkan hati orang lagi. Amin